Monday, July 8, 2013

Israel blocked East Jerusalem children's festival, citing link to Palestinian Authority.

Public security minister says

 such an event by the PA in Jerusalem 

contradicts stipulations of the Oslo Accords.

Public Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch has blocked a Palestinian children's theater festival from opening in East Jerusalem this Saturday night on the claim that the event was "under the auspices of or sponsored by the Palestinian Authority."
According to Aharonovitch, the holding of such an event associated with the PA in Israel contradicts an Israeli law passed as part of the Oslo peace process. Aharonovitch's order bars this event from taking place not only in Jerusalem but anywhere else in Israel proper.
The festival was scheduled to feature performances at the El Hakawati Palestinian national theater in East Jerusalem, but Aharonovitch's order closes the theater for eight days beginning on the scheduled first day of the festival, which has been held annually for 18 years, reports Haaretz Journal. 

There is a question that you just cannot avoid asking, and it is in relation to the final objective of a peace agreement. As much as it is important not to take matters that were agreed upon, into ones own hands, it is also true that "factum" is that the agreements where not respected or at least partially respected (please read about the agreements here.). But I believe that there are times when you have the duty to ask yourself about the objective of your actions, the Foundational Contract, sort to speak, of your actions. Would a concession like this bring more peace or less peace? Unfortunately both sides are so incredibly stubborn that it is difficult to negotiate things like and israeli sponsorship for these events, instead of a ban.
Please support this little theatre. Here is their link to Facebook. Help them to be heard...

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