Bring the poets and the philosophers into your governments! Save me oh L~rd from all these bureaucrats! All these golden-tennis-shoes-kitsch-cheap-culture of frechot!
Bring me back my bedouins and my poppies, the crystal pure waters of secret fountains! The clean night, without "intimate deodorants"! Bring me back the goats and the stallions!
A man in the desert has the dignity of his desert. But you don't understand this. Your vulgar "culture" means nothing to me! It makes me sick. You think that you're so superior because you come from the city, you dwell amongst cables, like spiders on webs... but you know nothing about sipping the dew from the fresh air in the early mornings. You manipulate us, as if we were objects to be added to your pouches... "They are Jewish" you say, "they are Muslims" you say... But we... We are men! Men that saw the rising of your gods in a land you dispute like vultures!
Let me clean out of your greeds and your shuks! Let me have my bread, that I make with my own hands, let me have my coffee in peace! And please, go away. Everybody!! Get out of my land!! Go and do your crossed explosions somewhere else! You don't let me hear my stars...
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